The Network becomes the business... You must ensure network performance and security, prevent network problems, conduct effective troubleshooting and take actions quickly to solve possible problems. You need to know how your network bandwidth and other resources are used for accounting, auditing or for network planning purposes. You need to monitor network traffic and conduct forensic analysis to ensure that Company policies are followed and violations are recorded and stopped timely. You may have problems in your newly deployed applications and must know what's wrong and fix the problems immediately. You are developing a new application and need a handy tool to assist you in debugging and testing by examining every packets and messages. Or, for whatever reason, you just need to have a quick peek of the packets passing through the network ......
Comprehensive Features
-Real-time packet Capture and analysis over both Ethernet and WLAN;
-Many reports and graphic charts allow you to see various statistics, top bandwidth users and much more...
-Reconstructs TCP/IP sessions and enables you to see data in its original formats such as emails, instant messages etc.
-Expert analysis module to diagnose common network problems quickly
-Advanced analysis modules for emails, Instant Messages, FTP
downloads and HTTP Internet traffic enables you to view and log network-users communications and Internet activities
-Advanced filter and analysis module for emails with protocol POP/Pop3, SMTP and IMAP allow you filter and analyze iffy emails, display and save in Outlook Express Message Format;
-Protocol decoders for TCP/IP and many application protocols including ARP/RARP, 802.2 and 802.3, ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, POP3, SMTP, IMAP, HTTP/HTTPS, TELNET, FTP, NetBIOS, DHCP, BOOTP, SMB, CIFS, Gopher, ICP, SCTP, VRRP and PPPoE, H.323... to name a few
-Powerful and easy to set filters allow user to Focus on useful traffic and narrow down problems
-And More...